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Jeffrey Archer Ebooks

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Jeffrey Archer Ebooks

I love his books i read kane and able in one night as i could not put it down and the same with a lot of his books but the short stories like a quiver full of arrows put me to sleep i must admit when he got his small holiday i hoped he would come out with some fantastic fiction books not about robert maxwell but i did not think too much about his diary books please write the type of books that made you famous and a fantastic writer your mind is fantastic at fiction (full length books not short stories but that may just be me who thinks like that??? Flag AbuseFlagging a post will send it to the Goodreads Customer Care team for review.We take abuse seriously in our discussion boards.Only flag comments that clearly need our attention.As a general rule we do not censor any content on the site.The only content we will consider removing is spam,slanderous attacks on other members,or extremely offensive content (eg. Pornography, pro-Nazi, child abuse, etc).We will not remove any content for bad language alone, or being criticalof a particular book.